Harvest Festival afternoon tea at Deddington Parish Church, 8 October 17

Gospel Bell is it seems, a popular choice for afternoon tea socials! On Sunday 8 October, we played from 3-5pm in Deddington’s beautiful church and most people stayed throughout – enjoying the tea, cake and occasionally singing along with us. A group of bikers joined us during the first set – probably because they saw the afternoon tea sign outside – they sat at the nearest table and thanked us for the music as they left. Our thanks to Heather and her team for organizing the event – the afternoon raised £104.00 for the church repair fund.

The Gospel Bell afternoon tea band!

Barn dance, Broadway United Reformed Church, 6 October 17

On Friday 6 October, Silver Bough facilitated the annual barn dance for the United Reformed Church, Broadway in the beautiful Lifford Hall. For the first time, the evening consisted of a fusion of Ceilidh or barn dancing and Morris dancing – it worked – everyone happily did both! The band also sang a few of the songs from the Gospel Bell repertoire so that the exhausted dancers could get there breath back. A truly  joyful evening.

Barn dancing at Lifford Hall, Broadway